Key Dates 2024

Open dates

1st June - Referee Registration

5th June - Affiliation & Player Registration

4th July - Competition Sanction (Will vary by County FA)


Downtime is still required to allow remaining functionality in Whole Game System to switch seasons

1st June - 5th June - Club Portal, Competition Portal, County Portal and Matchday will be offline

1st July - 3rd July - All platforms (except Full-Time & Referee Registration) will be offline

Online Training Sessions

Club training - 11th June, 6:30pm to 7:30pm -Click here to sign up

League training - 12th June, 6:30pm to 7:30pm - Click here to sign up

Full-Time | Setup your season - 17th July, 6:30pm to 7:30pm - Click here to sign up

For local training, please contact your County FA