Substitution enhancements

I raised an enhancement 2 years ago and it shows as implemented, but it's not.  This was to allow substitutions to be made during half time on the app.  It isn't available so have raised again as it would be a big improvement.

Can the app be improved to allow subs to be made during half time, at present you can only make subs once the match has kicked off and is in progress.  The workaround is to kick off the second half, pause it, make the subs, then resume once it actually kicks off.


secondly, can you please add the ability to make multiple subs at once, for grass roots this would be so useful as we make more subs than usual and often 2 or 3 at a time, also when making the subs, when scrolling through the players to select them, the screen often reverts back to the initial screen and you have to open the drop down menu again to pick select teh player again.


thirdly, when we make several subs, the system seems to error as it can't cope with the players that have come off/on multiple times, is there a limit on the number of subs or times a player can come on/off?  you just get a pop up message after making the sub stating 'Error'. and it won't save.

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