Matchday App - Android Matchday player stats

I use a Oneplus 11, 5G. (Android)

When i use the match day app and set up the game with players and squad, those details do not go through to the full-time website. So the League cannot see who the squad is before or after the game. 

The player stats after the game i.e. who scored, referee marks ect.. all seem to go through. However the game set up doesn't seem to go through so i therefore have to use the fulltime website to set up the squad.

I have attached a video of what i do and i think there is some functionality missing, when i have compared this to the Apple version of the app. It is not just for this one particular game but all games and other managers. This is a massive issue where managers being fined for not including player and squad set up by the league.

Please help with this issue urgently otherwise i will have no issue but to uninstall the app and use the fulltime website only.

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