Not Taken

Clearing of filters

Once you have completed your action ie deregistering a player. The filters clear themselves. If you have a team that has folded you have to completely start from scratch, selecting the team, player etc The old system would keep you in the Team until you cleared the filters.

  • Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    On Whole Game System we previously had "Sticky filters" which saved the filters until they were manually cleared, we received lots of feedback that people would rather the filters cleared automatically. At the moment with this post not yet generating support this won't be taken forwards at this stage.

    In terms of specific issues where this might be difficult ie. de-registering a player, please visit this post: which is being actioned and should make this easier.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Jack, I appreciate the reasoning behind why this is not being taken forward and I will have a look at the link you have sent me.

    Kindest regards

  • I am more concerned with Player Registration

    we currently have 10 age groups being look after by 7 people, they just want to select an age group and work through those, not spending most of their valuable time going back into the filter for the next player to p


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