
Gender assigned at birth box


Are we able to add a question in on Player Registration around gender assigned at birth please? This could be a simple tick box. If they tick yes then the process would continue as normal, if they tick no then they can be directed to the FA's dispensation process. 

As the number of trans players within the grassroots game increase year on year we wanted to try and help the players & league with this area of the game. We've had a few issues with this particular area of the game this season in Suffolk due to people just not knowing about the process or deliberately ignoring the process. We want to be able to support the players with this process or finding alternative opportunities to play football, but the hardest part is finding these players within the game - so hopefully by adding this question in it will help with this. I appreciate some people may still click yes regardless, but it is a start. 

Any questions please let me know. 



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