Competition Sanctions - Approve or Reject

This guide will show you how to Approve or Reject within the County portal. 


To approve or Reject, sign in to with your usual email address and FA password and select the organisation tab on the left and Sanction at the top and then Other competitions in the bar underneath.

Approving or Rejecting Applications

When approving applications you will need to select review on the right hand side. The status of the application will be Pending CFA. The application then will appear on the screen once you click Review. 

Please can you go through each section and review the relevant documents. You will need to make sure you have clicked the tick box after you have reviewed the league rules.  If you would like to download the documents you can press on the down arrow. 

You will then need to Mark as Complete (Approve) or Reject the Application. 

Approving the application will then be set as Completed under the Application status. 

If you select reject the application you will need to provide a reason why you have rejected it. Then press the Reject Application or if you would like to Cancel then it will go back to the previous screen. 

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