Step 1. Sign into Clubs Portal and click on 'Accreditation' in the 'My Club' tab
Step 2. Beneath the Accreditation Checklist are four tabs - please click on the tab to view the criteria within it. You can return to the checklist at any time by using the 'return to checklist' button:
Step 3. Sections with an 'Incomplete" will show what you need to action. Click 'Show more' and this will show the requirements.
Tip: Use the dropdown arrows to see exactly what is missing
Step 4. Make sure all the criteria is met
Guide on how to meet the 'Club' criteria can be found here
Guide on how to meet the 'Officials' criteria can be found here
Guide on how to meet the 'Documents' criteria by adopting FA policies can be found here
and how to uploading club documents can be found here
Guide on how to meet the 'Player Pathways' criteria can be found here
If your club is linked to another club, the parent club is responsible for the renewal. Further guidance on renewing linked clubs can be found here
Step 5. Some sections will have the option to add a comment if you are unable to meet the criteria. This will allow you to provide further information to your County FA on your plans for this area.
Step 6. An example of a section which may ask to ‘Provide Information’ would be the Player Pathways:
For 2* and 3* clubs, if you are not currently meeting the player pathway criteria, please provide information for the County FA to understand your plans for this and how they can support you.
Please note, as we approach the end of the transition period, we want to recognise Clubs based on the opportunities they are offering and their future ambitions. That’s why during the 2023/24 season, we will review Accredited Clubs during the renewal period to reflect the position in relation to the one, two, three star framework as we remove the tolerance that supported the transition.
Step 7. When all sections of the dashboard are complete or pending review, the button will be available for you to submit for renewal.
If you have had to provide any comments or declarations then your application will be pending a review before it is either approved or rejected by your County FA.
Please note: If your County FA does not need to review your application, you will be automatically renewed