Adding/Editing Staff Members

The FA Events Platform allows for staff members to be added and changed throughout the process of your programme. However, all staff must meet Weetabix Wildcats, Squad, Snickers Protein Just Play, Snickers Protein Just Play For Students and Age UK Walking Football criteria first. For these criteria, refer to your programme's guidance document or contact your County FA.

Please note – changes in staff do not update automatically across all sessions unless using the mass-update tool filter. You can edit sessions individually if this is more convenient, but you may need to edit your application beforehand to ensure the correct people are listed and get your application reapproved.

Adding a new coach/volunteer/DSO must be approved in your application by your County FA (the same one to whom you made the original application). Once approved, the originally-listed staff members will still appear in the drop-down menu when creating your event or editing any of your upcoming sessions on your event. But now you can change them and insert the newly-approved staff names too.


Adding A New Staff Member In The Application

To add or be able to change any staff member on your event and sessions, they need to be present within your application first.

Go to the 'Applications' tab on the left side menu and then select the application you wish to use for editing or adding staff members on. If it is an 'In Progress' application, then you will need to go through all the steps on there anyway - but if it's an 'Approved' application, simply go the staff section on the summary page and edit accordingly with the pencil icon before re-submitting to the County FA.

Snickers Protein Just Play, Weetabix Wildcats, Squad and Age UK Walking Football applications are all slightly different in their staffing but each of them need a lead coach/session deliverer so this is the example used below.

By filling in the relevant details here, the organiser of the provider can choose themselves as the lead coach assuming they have the correct in-date qualifications showing on their FAN and they're not already listed. They also have the option to fill in the boxes with another coaches' name if they choose not to be the main coach. In addition, there is another choice to 'Add Another Coach' at the bottom if two or more coaches are required. Again, anyone listed must meet the required criteria for each role.

As an 'In Progress' provider, once the rest of the application has been filled in, submitted and approved by your County FA, you will then be able to set up events and sessions with the coaches and other staff members available to select from when setting up. You then just go through and create your event as normal with the people listed in your application and repeat all of the above if you need to add or edit another staff member to your event later down the line.

But, if you were already an 'Approved' provider and you were just tweaking your application with a new staff member, when going back into your application and using the pencil icon, you may need to remove someone and replace them with someone else. A 'Remove' option is available if there is already a staff member listed and they need to go. This could be because their coaching qualification has expired, or they no longer want to volunteer, for example.

As mentioned, all programmes are slightly different so do pay attention to the criteria and qualifications needed for each role in the application - and remember that some programmes allow more than one coach, whereas, others only allow one.

Adding A New Staff Member In The Event

On the event side, your new staff members (once approved in your application) should then show up and be editable in two different ways.

1. The first way is to 'Add New Session'. To get to this, you would go to the 'Events' tab on the left side menu, and choose the event in which you wish to add a new session to.

When you've picked the appropriate event, you will land on the 'Details' tab where you should see all the event information. There should be a button to the right where you can 'Add New Session'.

You can choose this option to amend the delivery staff based on recent changes in your approved application - but of course bearing in mind that adding a new session will take you through the flow for extra session dates alongside any you have already created, so only choose this method if you need to add extra session dates to your event.

Follow the steps through to create new sessions (if you need to) until you get to the below image showing the relevant staff member you can select from via the drop-down menu. This should then show you the staff listed in that role in your approved application - and if you've added someone new in the application since, they should be visible here for sessions upcoming on your event.

2. The second way you can edit the staff members in your event is via the 'Sessions' tab on the left side menu. Your job then is to choose an upcoming session you are organising in which to edit the staff for. You can do this one session at a time (yellow below) or you choose multiple sessions to edit using the mass-update tool (green below).

Individual Sessions: Once you have chosen the individual session to edit, you will be taken to that session's 'Details' tab. To the right, you can see there is a button to press that allows you to 'Edit Session'.

Individual Sessions: After clicking to edit the session, you should land on the session summary page where you can use the pencil icons to navigate to the staff section and change the coach/volunteer/designated safeguarding officer (DSO) at your will.

Individual Sessions: From there, any new staff members who you had changed and approved in your application should now be selectable here on the drop-down menu alongside any other staff members listed for that particular role who haven't been removed. The choice to add or remove an extra coach/volunteer/designated safeguarding officer is dependent on who and how many are listed in your approved application. Simply choose the correct people delivering on this session and save the changes to finish.

Multiple Sessions: To do the same process of editing sessions as above but on a multiple level, use the mass-update tool filter on the 'Sessions' tab to firstly select the event and then press 'Go'. This will display all the sessions within the certain event specified for you to edit with tick boxes next to each individual session.

Multiple Sessions: Select all the necessary sessions that you need to change the staff for by ticking appropriately. The very top tick box will select all sessions in the event. After choosing more than one session to edit, this will make the right sided filter become active where you can use the drop-down filter to click 'Change Staff'.

Multiple Sessions: The first section will ask you to confirm which staff role you want to update (coach, volunteer, DSO). The second section will display the list of people who are available to select from and will be dependent on your latest approved application.

Multiple Sessions: Once chosen and edited, press 'Update'. The system will ask you to confirm your changes, and once complete, this will update the session staff for you.

Multiple Sessions: Simply click 'Back' to return to the Events Platform and 'Sessions' tab before you can check each session shows with the right details.

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