By now, if you're reading this article, you should have already created an event. In doing so, you would have created weekly football sessions for participants to book onto via the Find Football search tool on
The number of weekly sessions would have been determined by the programme you applied for in your original application, which is 16 weeks for Weetabix Wildcats and Squad, 32 weeks for Snickers Protein Just Play and Age UK Walking Football, and 12 weeks for Snickers Protein Just Play For Students.
Now, if you want to do more than that number of sessions, you can add sessions to your event.
This video walks through the process of adding sessions to your event. There is written guidance below if you prefer.
Firstly, click into the event you want to add a session to on the FA Events Platform using the 'Events' tab from the menu on the left side of the screen.
When you have chosen an event to add a session to from the list you have, you will be taken to the 'Details' page below which shows your event details and contact information of the event you had previously created. This is the page you would come to if you needed to edit the event as a whole. You can see there is an 'Add New Session' button, and guess what? This is the button you press to add a new session to your event.
By clicking on 'Add New Session', follow the steps through which are similar to how you first created an event, paying particular attention to the dates section which you need to ensure reflect one session (or a group of weekly sessions over a certain period of time) so that you don't create a year's worth of sessions in one go.
Much of the data will again pull through from your application form along with the same style of data input. If things need to be different in this new session(s), you will have to go back to your original and existing application to make the changes in there before being able to see them here - or you can create a one-off session.
Once you've gone through all the steps, you will be shown the summary of what you've chosen at the end. Again, the pencil icons show which parts you can go back and edit if something's not quite right. Then, the newly created session will appear on the 'Sessions' tab when you have saved and exited.