
Team logos > Club logos

 Would be helpful to have the ability to load a logo for a club and have that display for all the teams playing in the League for that club, rather than having to load one for each team individually.

Now that the Full-Time display has been changed to include team logos prominently, this would make life much easier for league admins each season, particularly when there can be several hundred teams.

3 people like this idea
  • Even better would be for Clubs to be able to add the logo to the Clubs portal so that it appears next to the Club name in the left hand column instead of the current football and then this was pulled through to all FULL-TIMEs for all teams.

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  • Even better would be to have the logo in WGS / Club Portal so it can be shown in the portal on the left side next to the Club name and then pulled automatically to all associated FULL-TIMEs.

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  • Our Junior League were going to use this facility to upload a picture of the Home Shirt Colours but with 300+ teams it was put in the too difficult to do pile. If you could upload per Club this would be a lot easier

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  • Also running a youth league - this drives me mad each season, especially adding the same logo in numerous times for each of the teams from the same club.

  • Just done this for 620~ teams. If it can pull from Club Portal going forward and in a higher resolution format, and also implement the same badge into Matchday it would make things look very smart.

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