Changing a team name in Full-Time (Leagues)

Please note: team names can only be changed in Full-Time by League Administrators. If you wish to change the name of your team within Full-Time, please contact your league secretary

Team names within Full-Time appear exactly the same as what the team has affiliated with to it's County FA at the start of the season. League Administrators can change the public display name should they wish to and this will save to the team meaning you don't have to update it every year.

1. Log into Full-Time and find the league

2. Click on the Setup tab at the top, then teams

3. Find the team you would like to change and click edit on the right hand side

4. Input your desired "Team Name" and "Public Display Name". Team name = what will show on Full-Time admin, Public Display name = what will show on Full-Time Public page. Team name and public display name can be different if required.

4. If you are not able to edit the name click on Override team name for a particular season 

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