My child is very talented and not being challenged in their age group, an I apply for dispensation for them to play in an older group?

Whilst the main bulk of the FA Dispensation policy is specifically to support children with a disability, Significant Physical Development Delay (SPDD), Mental Health, Chronic Illness or who are schooled no mo re than one year behind the age group prescribed by their date of birth (their “prescribed age group”) to play football outside of their prescribed age group.

The FA are piloting two new catergories to help individuals play football, These two caterogies are

Availability of Opportunity

Those who have no available opportunity within their permitted age group and chosen pathway (male, female, mixed, disability). An “available opportunity” is defined as a football offer that is accessible to the individual in a reasonable travel time. 

Individual needs

Those who have individual and specific needs, and dispensation to play outside of their permitted age group provides them with either a) the opportunity to participate in affiliated football or b) the best opportunity to develop as a player that is within the talent system (girls) or has been recently released (boys).

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