Welcome to Linked Organisations
England Football Accredited clubs can work in partnership to create and deliver more playing opportunities for male, female, and disability players within the game.
To demonstrate a partnership between two or more clubs please follow the below guidance on the club linking process available within Club Portal.
Clubs working in partnership should read the ‘Club Partnership Agreement’ and put in place a minimum of THREE from seven of the recommendations to form a club link.
You can access the partnership agreement here
Click here for more information on England Football Accredited
Please note: For all clubs with an existing link, your club link has automatically been transitioned into your club portal for club officials to view, review and action if needed following the below
- Creating a link
- This will now show the status as pending.
- Viewing linked clubs
- Retracting a link (before it has been accepted and if it has become expired on invalid)
- Cancelling a link (once accepted)
- Approving a received request
Please note, only the main club officials (Club Chairman, Club Secretary, Club Welfare Officer and Club Treasurer) can form and manage links.
Creating a link
1. Sign into Clubs Portal and click on the 'My Club' tab > linked organisations, then "Add Club".
2. Search for the club by selecting their County FA and the club name.
3. Next to the club select 'invite to link'
You can only invite a club with no links. You cannot invite a linked club to link. If a club is already a parent club, they must send the invite

4.Click 'send link request'
This will now show the status as pending.
Viewing linked clubs
1. Under 'Linked Organisations' click on 'Show inactive Links'. This will show all cancelled, declined, linked and pending status'.
Retracting a link (before it has been accepted and if it has become expired or invalid)
1. Under 'Linked Organisations' next to the club that you wish to retract the link from, click 'Show More'. This will show the clubs County FA, the date the request was sent and the date that the request expired. This will also show the parent club.
3. Click 'Retract Link' and then click 'Retract Link Request'
This will now no longer show for both clubs
Cancelling a link (once accepted)
1. Under 'Linked Organisations' next to the club that you wish to un-link, click 'Show More'. This will show the clubs County FA, the date the request was sent and the date that the request expired. This will also show the parent club.
3. Click 'Cancel Link' and then click 'Cancel Link'
This will now show the status as cancelled for both clubs
Approving a received request
1. Sign into Clubs Portal and click on the 'My Club' tab > linked organisations
This should show your linked request.
Please note: This request will expire after 30 days. It will then show under clubs links as an expired link and will stay there for a further 7 days
3. To accept, under actions, click accept and then click accept link request.
The status will now show as 'linked'.
Only a parent club can cancel a link. If you need to cancel the link please get in touch with the parent club.