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We wish to use the appoint officials function within Fulltime however the only way I can see to add a referee is individually. Is there a way to download from WGS or another method to allow refeeees to register with the league ?

1 person has this question
  • I asked this very same question last season and we gained limited success with with the enhancement this season.

    There is a League Referee Secretary official in Whole Game, but fails to give access to Registered Referees. Or anything else as far as I can see.

    Perhaps an enhancement here, so that Ref Sec can the referee registration, possibly add them to the League.

    Which could be then integrated to Full Time.

    I also asked the question on Monday's Player Registration launch and receive no response 

  • Hi Phil,

    Referee's can now be selected from Whole Game System within FA Full-Time as per a release earlier this season. 

    Guidance on referee integration is here: 

    There is future referee functionality on the way also including referee reports and advanced referee appointment functionality.



    3 people like this
  • Has uploading referee appointments from spreadsheet been thought about as an enhancement

  • Has the enhancement request to upload referee appointments from a spreadsheet been progressed

    manually put in 370 every week is time cinsumming

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