The club Accreditation dashboard is now available within Club Portal for non-accredited clubs that are eligible to become England Football Accredited. (For more information on the eligibility criteria please visit
Like with existing England Football Accredited clubs the dashboard will show where non-accredited clubs do not meet or satisfy criteria under each tab
Once non-accredited clubs meet the minimum criteria for their club and teams an ‘Apply For Accreditation’ button becomes available to them
Please Note: Clubs can only apply to become England Football Accredited once they meet the minimum criteria and your accreditation checklist is complete
Step 1:
To apply for accreditation, on clubs portal, click on "my club" on the left hand side. Then click "Apply for Accreditation"
Step 2:
Click "Apply" if you wish to continue
Step 3:
Your application status will now chance to "Pending CFA"